Advent Of Code šŸŽ„šŸŽ…

2022 Advent of Code Python Solutions at the bottom of the page šŸ‘‡

Advent Of Code 2022 is here!!

Advent of Code is an advent calendar of challenging but accessible coding challenges with a new puzzle released each day during December.


Benefits of Participating in Advent Of Code

I have participated in the Advent Of Code for the last two years, and, while I have never featured on the leaderboard, I have found a number of interesting benefits from completing the challenges:

Learning about new algorithms

You canā€™t brute force all solutions. In some challenges, trying to brute force a solution will take an exponentially long time to calculate.

Therefore, it forces you to think about the O(n) complexity of your code and look for more efficient algorithms to solve the challenge in a reasonable timeframe.

This can lead you to learn about programming topics you might not have come across before, such as efficient search, caching, recursion and graph algorithms.

In the case of one challenge last year , the relatively obscure Bresenham algorithm for finding a coordinate on a line came in handy.

Practising new tools and languages

It can be hard integrating new languages or tools into your daily workflow at work because of the inevitable drop in productivity when learning.

The daily challenges can be a good opportunity to practice learning a new language before trying to use it in your daily work.

This also works for new tools. I tried many times to use (neo)vim as my main editor at work, but couldnā€™t afford the initial drop in productivity.

In 2020, I set myself the challenge of only using Vim to code all the solutions. Practising in a ā€˜safe spaceā€™ helped me increase rack up the hours using Vim and embed some of the muscle memory required to be efficient editing text in Vim.

Practising writing more readable and testable code

Many people try and solve the challenges as fast as possible and in the fewest lines of code. I believe there is also a lot of benefit in using the challenges to practice writing readable and testable code .

The puzzles have explicit test cases to help debug issues in your code. You can use this as a great opportunity to practice test-driven development (TDD)

Reading other peopleā€™s code

Finally, there is a great community of programmers who often share their solutions to the daily challenge.

Obviously you should try and solve the problem yourself first, but after you have submitted your solution or if you get stuck, I highly recommend checking out the forums where people share and discuss answers.

This provides an opportunity to see and read other peopleā€™s code. I have found when reading other peopleā€™s code you pick up on new techniques or even identify which bits of code are difficult to understand and read. This can help you identify which cool tricks to add to your code and maybe the things to avoid which make it difficult to read.

From reading other peopleā€™s solutions, I noticed how useful TypeHints are in Python to improve readability. I now always include Type Hints in my Python code to help colleagues read my code.

Final Thoughts

I would recommend using the challenges to practice a certain skill, rather than opting for the shortest and messiest solution to ā€˜get the job doneā€™.

It is a great opportunity to practice writing readable and testable code, research new algorithms or try out new tools and languages in a ā€˜safe spaceā€™ before integrating into your daily work at your job.

Good luck!

Solutions šŸŽ

All solutions are posted on my AdventofCode GitHub repo

Note: solutions are generally optimised for testability and readability instead of fewest lines of code possible

Day 1: Calorie Counting

def process_input(raw_elf_calories: str) -> list[list[str]]:
    """Read the text file and read into a list of lists containing calories for each elf"""
    calories = raw_elf_calories.split("\n\n")
    elf_calories = [list(filter(None, elf.split("\n"))) for elf in calories]

    return elf_calories

def aggregate_calories(elf_calories: list[list[str]]) -> list[int]:
    """Sum the calories for all elves"""
    return [sum(int(item) for item in calories) for calories in elf_calories]

def part_1(aggregated_calories: list[int]) -> int:
    """Max calories carried by an elf"""
    return max(aggregated_calories)

def part_2(aggregated_calories: list) -> int:
    """Return sum of top three calorie carrying elves"""
    sorted_elf_calories = sorted(aggregated_calories, reverse=True)
    top_3 = sorted_elf_calories[:3]
    return sum(top_3)

if __name__ == "__main__":

    with open("input.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as input_values:
        raw_elf_calories =

    elf_calories = process_input(raw_elf_calories)
    aggregated_calories = aggregate_calories(elf_calories)

    part_1_ans = part_1(aggregated_calories)

    part_2_ans = part_2(aggregated_calories)

Day 2: Rock šŸŖØ , paper šŸ“„, scissors āœ‚

from typing import Callable

SHAPE_SCORE = {"A": 1, "B": 2, "C": 3, "X": 1, "Y": 2, "Z": 3}
ROUND_SCORE = {"L": 0, "D": 3, "W": 6, "X": 0, "Y": 3, "Z": 6}

    "A X": "D",
    "A Y": "W",
    "A Z": "L",
    "B X": "L",
    "B Y": "D",
    "B Z": "W",
    "C X": "W",
    "C Y": "L",
    "C Z": "D",

    "A X": "C",
    "A Y": "A",
    "A Z": "B",
    "B X": "A",
    "B Y": "B",
    "B Z": "C",
    "C X": "B",
    "C Y": "C",
    "C Z": "A",

RuleFunc = Callable[[str], int]

def part_1(moves: str) -> int:
    result = OUTCOMES[moves]
    my_move = moves[-1]
    return SHAPE_SCORE[my_move] + ROUND_SCORE[result]

def part_2(moves: str) -> int:
    result = moves[-1]
    my_move = REQUIRED_SELECTION[moves]
    return SHAPE_SCORE[my_move] + ROUND_SCORE[result]

def calc_total_score(strategy_guide: list[str], rule_func: RuleFunc) -> int:
    round_scores = []
    for moves in strategy_guide:
        round_score = rule_func(moves)

    return sum(round_scores)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with open("input.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as input_file:
        raw_strategy_guide = input_file.readlines()
        strategy_guide = [line.strip() for line in raw_strategy_guide]

    part_1_ans = calc_total_score(strategy_guide, part_1)

    part_2_ans = calc_total_score(strategy_guide, part_2)

Day 3: Rucksacks

import string
from typing import Protocol, Any

class GroupFunc(Protocol):
    def __call__(self, lst: list[str], **kwargs: Any) -> list[list[str]]:

def find_intersection(*item_strings) -> str:
    intersection = set.intersection(*map(set, item_strings))
    return intersection.pop()

def get_priority(letter: str) -> int:
    priority_order = string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase
    return priority_order.index(letter) + 1

def split_into_compartments(lst):
    def midpoint(lst):
        return len(lst) // 2

    return [[i[: midpoint(i)], i[midpoint(i) :]] for i in lst]

def split_into_groups(lst: list[str], n: int) -> list[list[str]]:
    return [lst[i : i + n] for i in range(0, len(lst), n)]

def calc_total_priority(rucksacks: list[str], grouping_func: GroupFunc, **kwargs):

    groups = grouping_func(rucksacks, **kwargs)

    total = 0
    for group in groups:
        intersection = find_intersection(*group)
        priority = get_priority(intersection[0])
        total += priority

    return total

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with open("input.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as input_file:
        rucksacks = [rucksack.strip() for rucksack in input_file.readlines()]

    part_1_ans = calc_total_priority(rucksacks, split_into_compartments)

    part_2_ans = calc_total_priority(rucksacks, split_into_groups, n=3)

Day 4: Camp Cleanup

from typing import Callable

OverlapCondition = Callable[[int, int, int, int], int]

def part_1(l1_min: int, l1_max: int, l2_min: int, l2_max: int) -> bool:
    return ((l1_min <= l2_min) & (l1_max >= l2_max)) or (
        (l2_min <= l1_min) & (l2_max >= l1_max)

def part_2(l1_min: int, l1_max: int, l2_min: int, l2_max: int) -> bool:
    return (l1_min <= l2_min <= l1_max) or (l2_min <= l1_min <= l2_max)

def calc_total(sections: list[list[int]], func: OverlapCondition) -> int:
    return sum(func(*item) for item in sections)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with open("input.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as input_data:
        pairs = [pair.strip() for pair in input_data.readlines()]
        sections = [[*map(int, pair.replace("-", ",").split(","))] for pair in pairs]

    part_1_ans = calc_total(sections, part_1)

    part_2_ans = calc_total(sections, part_2)

Day 5: Supply Stacks

import re
from collections import defaultdict, deque
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Callable

MoveCratesFunc = Callable[
    [dict[int, deque[str]], list[tuple[int, int, int]]], dict[int, deque[str]]

def parse_stacks_string(stacks_string: str) -> defaultdict[int, deque[str]]:
    stack_rows = stacks_string.split("\n")[:-1]
    stacks = defaultdict(deque)

    # start from bottom up
    for row in reversed(stack_rows):
        # parse through each row to extract letters
        for stack_num, crate in enumerate(row[1::4], start=1):
            if crate.isalpha():
    return stacks

def parse_instructions_string(instructions_string: str) -> list[tuple[int, int, int]]:
    instructions = []
    for instruction in instructions_string.split("\n"):
        if instruction.strip():
            numbers = [int(number) for number in re.findall(r"\d+", instruction)]
    return instructions

def process_input(
    raw_input: str,
) -> tuple[defaultdict[int, deque[str]], list[tuple[int, int, int]]]:
    """Split raw input into starting stacks and instructions"""
    stacks_string, instructions_string = raw_input.split("\n\n")
    stacks = parse_stacks_string(stacks_string)
    instructions = parse_instructions_string(instructions_string)
    return stacks, instructions

def solve(
    stacks: defaultdict[int, deque],
    instructions: list[tuple[int, int, int]],
    move_crates: MoveCratesFunc,
) -> str:
    stacks_copy = deepcopy(stacks)
    moved_stacks = move_crates(stacks_copy, instructions)
    return "".join([stack.pop() for stack in moved_stacks.values()])

def part_1(
    stacks: defaultdict[int, deque], instructions: list[tuple[int, int, int]]
) -> defaultdict[int, deque[str]]:
    """Cratemover 9000 stacking function"""
    for move, source, target in instructions:
        for _ in range(move):
            crate = stacks[source].pop()
    return stacks

def part_2(
    stacks: defaultdict[int, deque], instructions: list[tuple[int, int, int]]
) -> defaultdict[int, deque[str]]:
    """Cratemover 9001 stacking function"""
    for move, source, target in instructions:
        group = []
        for _ in range(move):
            crate = stacks[source].pop()
    return stacks

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with open("input.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as puzzle_input:
        raw_input =

    stacks, instructions = process_input(raw_input)

    part_1_ans = solve(stacks, instructions, part_1)

    part_2_ans = solve(stacks, instructions, part_2)

Day 6: Tuning Trouble

def get_message_marker(datastream: str, window_size: int) -> int:
    for i in range(len(datastream) - window_size + 1):
        window = datastream[i : i + window_size]
        seq_start_index = i + window_size
        if len(set(window)) == window_size:
            return seq_start_index
    raise ValueError("No sequence without repeated characters")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with open("input.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as puzzle_input:
        datastream =

    part_1_ans = get_message_marker(datastream, window_size=4)

    part_2_ans = get_message_marker(datastream, window_size=14)

Day 7: No Space Left on Device

from pathlib import Path

def get_dir_tree(commands: list[str]) -> dict:
    level = Path("")
    dir_tree = {}
    for entry in commands:
        if "$ cd" in entry:
            if ".." in entry:
                level = level.parent
                direc_name = entry[5:]
                level = level / direc_name
                if level not in dir_tree:
                    dir_tree[level] = []
        elif "dir" in entry:
            _, direc_name = entry.split(" ")
            dir_tree[level].append(level / direc_name)
        elif entry[0].isnumeric():
            file_size, file_name = entry.split(" ")
            dir_tree[level].append((file_name, int(file_size)))
    return dir_tree

def total_dir_size(dir_path: Path, dir_tree: dict) -> int:
    total_size = 0
    for object in dir_tree[dir_path]:
        if isinstance(object, tuple):
            total_size += object[1]
        elif isinstance(object, Path):
            total_size += total_dir_size(object, dir_tree)
    return total_size

def get_dir_sizes(dir_tree: dict) -> dict:
    return {dir: total_dir_size(dir, dir_tree) for dir in dir_tree}

def part_1(dir_sizes: dict, threshold: int) -> int:
    return sum(dir_size for dir_size in dir_sizes.values() if dir_size < threshold)

def part_2(dir_sizes: dict, max_disk_space: int, required_disk_space: int) -> None:
    total_space_used = dir_sizes[Path("/")]
    initial_free_space = max_disk_space - total_space_used
    clearable_space = required_disk_space - initial_free_space

    min_removeable_dir = (max_disk_space, Path("Random/Path"))

    for dir in dir_sizes:
        if dir_sizes[dir] >= clearable_space:
            if dir_sizes[dir] < min_removeable_dir[0]:
                min_removeable_dir = (dir_sizes[dir], dir)
    return min_removeable_dir[0]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with open("input.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as puzzle_input:
        commands = [line.strip() for line in puzzle_input.readlines()]

    dir_tree = get_dir_tree(commands)
    dir_sizes = get_dir_sizes(dir_tree)

    part_1_ans = part_1(dir_sizes, threshold=100_000)

    part_2_ans = part_2(

Day 8: Treetop Tree House

from functools import reduce

SightLines = tuple[list[int], list[int], list[int], list[int]]
Grid = list[list[int]]

def create_grid(raw_string: str) -> Grid:
    lines = list(filter(None, raw_string.split("\n")))
    return [[int(height) for height in line] for line in lines]

def count_perimiter(grid: Grid) -> int:
    return ((len(grid) + len(grid[0])) * 2) - 4

def get_sight_lines(x: int, y: int, grid: Grid) -> SightLines:
    left = grid[y][:x][::-1]
    right = grid[y][x + 1 :]
    top = [row[x] for row in grid[:y]][::-1]
    bottom = [row[x] for row in grid[y + 1 :]]
    return left, right, top, bottom

def check_visible(height: int, sight_lines: SightLines) -> bool:
    return any([height > max(line) for line in sight_lines if line])

def part_1(grid: Grid) -> int:
    # outer trees always visible
    visible_count = count_perimiter(grid)
    for x in range(1, len(grid[0]) - 1):
        for y in range(1, len(grid) - 1):
            sight_lines = get_sight_lines(x, y, grid)
            height = grid[y][x]
            if check_visible(height, sight_lines):
                visible_count += 1
    return visible_count

def calc_scenic_score(height: int, sight_lines: SightLines) -> int:
    views = []
    for line in sight_lines:
        if line:
            for i, tree in enumerate(line):
                if tree >= height:
            views.append(len(line[: i + 1]))
    return reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, views)

def part_2(grid: Grid) -> int:
    max_scenic_score = 0
    for x in range(1, len(grid[0]) - 1):
        for y in range(1, len(grid) - 1):
            sight_lines = get_sight_lines(x, y, grid)
            height = grid[y][x]
            scenic_score = calc_scenic_score(height, sight_lines)
            if scenic_score > max_scenic_score:
                max_scenic_score = scenic_score
    return max_scenic_score

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with open("input.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as puzzle_input:
        raw_input =

    grid = create_grid(raw_input)
    part_1_ans = part_1(grid)

    part_2_ans = part_2(grid)

Day 9: Rope Bridge

def process_input(input_string: str) -> list[tuple[str, int]]:
    instructions = [line.split(" ") for line in input_string.split("\n") if line]
    return [(d, int(n)) for [d, n] in instructions]

def move_tail(hx: int, hy: int, tx: int, ty: int) -> tuple[int, int]:
    dist = abs(hx - tx) + abs(hy - ty)
    if hx == tx and dist >= 2:
        return (tx, hy - 1 if hy > ty else hy + 1)
    if hy == ty and dist >= 2:
        return (hx - 1 if hx > tx else hx + 1, ty)
    if dist > 2:
        if hx > tx:
            return (tx + 1, ty + 1 if hy > ty else ty - 1)
        if hx < tx:
            return (tx - 1, ty + 1 if hy > ty else ty - 1)
    return tx, ty

def solve(instructions: list[tuple[str, int]], knots: int) -> int:
    history = {i: [(0, 0)] for i in range(knots + 1)}
    for direction, steps in instructions:
        for _ in range(steps):
            hx, hy = history[0][-1]
            match direction:
                case "R":
                    hx += 1
                case "L":
                    hx -= 1
                case "U":
                    hy += 1
                case "D":
                    hy -= 1
            history[0].append((hx, hy))
            for k in range(1, knots + 1):
                tx, ty = move_tail(*history[k - 1][-1], *history[k][-1])
                history[k].append((tx, ty))
    return len(set(history[knots]))

if __name__ == "__main__":

    with open("input.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as puzzle_input:
        data =

    instructions = process_input(data)

    part_1_ans = solve(instructions, knots=1)

    part_2_ans = solve(instructions, knots=9)

Day 10: Cathode-Ray Tube

def run_operations(input_file: str):
    with open(input_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as puzzle_input:
        instructions =

    x = 1
    for line in instructions.splitlines():
        yield x
        if line != "noop":
            yield x
            x += int(line[5:])

def part_1(input_file: str, width: int):
    interesting_signal_strength = []
    for cycle, x in enumerate(run_operations(input_file), 1):
        if cycle % width == 20:
            interesting_signal_strength.append(cycle * x)
    return sum(interesting_signal_strength)

def part_2(input_file: str, width: int):
    rows = []
    row_string = ""
    for cycle, x in enumerate(run_operations(input_file)):
        row_string += ".#"[abs(cycle % width - x) < 2]
        if (cycle + 1) % width == 0:
            row_string = ""

    for row in rows:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    part_1_ans = part_1(input_file="input.txt", width=40)

    part_2(input_file="input.txt", width=40)

Day 11: Monkey in the Middle

from collections import defaultdict, deque
from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import dataclass

class Monkey:
    items: list[int]
    operation: str
    test: int
    target: tuple[int, int]

def parse_input(input) -> list:
    monkeys = []

    monkeys_string = [monkey.strip() for monkey in input.split("\n\n")]
    for m in monkeys_string:

        name, items, operation, test, if_true, if_false = [
            line.strip() for line in m.split("\n")
        items = deque([int(item.strip()) for item in items[16:].split(",")])
        operation = operation.split("=")[-1].strip()
        test = int(test.split(" ")[-1])
        if_true = int(if_true.split(" ")[-1])
        if_false = int(if_false.split(" ")[-1])
        target = (if_false, if_true)

        monkeys.append(Monkey(items, operation, test, target))
    return monkeys

def solve(monkeys: list, part: int, rounds: int) -> int:

    monkeys = deepcopy(monkeys)

    divisor = 1
    for m in monkeys:
        divisor *= m.test

    counter = defaultdict(int)
    for _ in range(rounds):
        for i, m in enumerate(monkeys):
            while m.items:
                counter[i] += 1

                old = m.items.popleft()
                new = eval(m.operation)
                if part == 1:
                    new //= 3
                    new %= divisor
                test = (new % m.test) == 0
                target_monkey =[test]

    top, second = sorted(counter.values(), reverse=True)[:2]
    return top * second

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with open("input.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as puzzle_input:
        monkeys_string =

    monkeys = parse_input(monkeys_string)

    part_1_ans = solve(monkeys, part=1, rounds=20)

    part_2_ans = solve(monkeys, part=2, rounds=10_000)

Day 12: Hill Climbing Algorithm

import string

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from networkx import NetworkXNoPath

def char_to_index(char):
    if char == "S":
        return 1
    if char == "E":
        return 26
    return string.ascii_lowercase.index(char) + 1

def get_node(area, char):
    dest = np.where(area == char)
    return index_to_node(len(area[0]), int(dest[0]), int(dest[1]))

def get_starting_nodes(area):
    nodes = []
    options = np.where(area == "a")
    for i in range(len(options[0])):
            index_to_node(len(area[0]), int(options[0][i]), int(options[1][i]))
    nodes.append(get_node(area, "S"))
    return nodes

def index_to_node(row_length, y, x):
    return (y * row_length) + x + 1

def get_neighbour_edges(x, y, area):
    edges = []
    current_node = index_to_node(len(area[0]), y, x)
    current_value = char_to_index(area[y][x])

    if x > 0 and char_to_index(area[y][x - 1]) <= current_value + 1:
        edges.append([current_node, index_to_node(len(area[0]), y, x - 1)])
    if x < len(area[0]) - 1 and char_to_index(area[y][x + 1]) <= current_value + 1:
        edges.append([current_node, index_to_node(len(area[0]), y, x + 1)])
    if y > 0 and char_to_index(area[y - 1][x]) <= current_value + 1:
        edges.append([current_node, index_to_node(len(area[0]), y - 1, x)])
    if y < len(area) - 1 and char_to_index(area[y + 1][x]) <= current_value + 1:
        edges.append([current_node, index_to_node(len(area[0]), y + 1, x)])
    return edges

def build_graph(area):
    graph = nx.DiGraph()
    for index_y, line in enumerate(area):
        for index_x, cell in enumerate(line):
            edges = get_neighbour_edges(index_x, index_y, area)
            for edge in edges:
                graph.add_edge(edge[0], edge[1])
    return graph

def part_1(graph, start, dest):
    return len(nx.shortest_path(graph, source=start, target=dest)) - 1

def part_2(graph, area, dest):
    options = get_starting_nodes(area)
    shortest_path = None
    for option in options:
            attempted_path = part_1(graph, option, dest)
            if not shortest_path:
                shortest_path = attempted_path
            elif attempted_path < shortest_path:
                shortest_path = attempted_path
        except NetworkXNoPath:
    return shortest_path

if __name__ == "__main__":
    area = np.genfromtxt("input.txt", delimiter=1, dtype=str)

    start = get_node(area, "S")
    dest = get_node(area, "E")
    graph = build_graph(area)

    part_1_ans = part_1(graph, start, dest)

    part_2_ans = part_2(graph, area, dest)

Day 13: Distress Signal

import ast
from functools import cmp_to_key
from itertools import zip_longest

def process_input(raw_input: str) -> list:
    processed_input = []
    for packet in raw_input.strip().split("\n\n"):
        processed_pair = list(map(ast.literal_eval, packet.split("\n")))

    return processed_input

def compare(left, right):
    if left is None:
        return -1
    if right is None:
        return 1

    if isinstance(left, int) and isinstance(right, int):
        if left < right:
            return -1
        if left > right:
            return 1
    elif isinstance(left, list) and isinstance(right, list):
        for new_left, new_right in zip_longest(left, right):
            if (result := compare(new_left, new_right)) is not None:
                return result
        new_left = [left] if isinstance(left, int) else left
        new_right = [right] if isinstance(right, int) else right
        return compare(new_left, new_right)

def part_1(packets):
    results = [compare(*packet) for packet in packets]
    true_indices = [index + 1 for index, item in enumerate(results) if item == -1]
    return sum(true_indices)

def part_2(packets):
    div1, div2 = [[2]], [[6]]
    flat_list = [item for sublist in packets for item in sublist]
    sorted_packets = sorted([*flat_list, div1, div2], key=cmp_to_key(compare))
    return (sorted_packets.index(div1) + 1) * (sorted_packets.index(div2) + 1)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with open("input.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as puzzle_input:
        raw_input =

    packets = process_input(raw_input)

    part_1_ans = part_1(packets)

    part_2_ans = part_2(packets)

Further Reading